RCF is for the convinced and the unconvinced, the lost, the found, the burned, the bored, cynical and the spiritual. We invite you, no matter where you are in the process, to explore, grow with, and experience God.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A quick update

Hey All,

  Just dropping a little note off to assure you all that I still have a pulse, and draw breath. Life is good, but quite busy right now. Newsletters are a work in progress, as is Doulos '12, and the RYM Pacific Northwest Summer Conference.
The quarter went quite well as far as RCF is concerned. We're actually wrapping up the Sermon on the Mount tomorrow night at our Bible study, and moving on to John's epistles for next quarter. Please be praying for Becky and I as we continue to be in communication with Oregon churches for support. Becky specifically, as she grows her etsy shop, and does transcription work. Pray for me as I study 1-3 John and try to fit his round letters into a square outline, I'm also still applying for a lot of part time jobs, and working on the whole University entrance thing. Pray for us as parents, that we would continue to support each other, and remain on the same page. Caedence is doing great, but the apple hasn't fallen too far from the tree.....meaning that she's cute (Becky's genes), but crazy (my genes).
